Tiger census 2014 pdf

Indias tiger population increases by 30% in past three. India is the home to almost 70% of the worlds tiger population. Nj state data center new brunswick, nj david kraiker 18. The 2014 tiger geodatabases are extracts of selected nationbased and statebased geographic and cartographic information from the u. Estimated tiger numbers 1 year of age in 2018 for landscapes and states compared with estimates for 2006, 2010 and 2014.

Tigerline geodatabases the united states census bureau. Tiger population swells but tigers still under attack. Tiger population swells but tigers still under attack indias tiger population has risen steadily in the past decade after it dipped to 1411 in 2007 and is now estimated to range between 2500. The range of census codes allocated to each aiannh area and the valid fips class codes associated with each are in table 3. The rise, from 1,706 in 2011 to 2,226 in 2014, will encourage campaigners fighting to. The population of tigers has increased in india from 1,706 in 2011 to 2,226 in 2014. The total tiger count in karnataka was 408 as per the report. Tiger population in the country is estimated to be around 2,226, a rise of over 30 per cent since the last count in 2010, according to the latest census report released on tuesday. As per tiger census report 2014, the population of tigers in india has increased from 1,706 in 2011 to 2,226 in 2014. Tiger census latest breaking news, pictures, videos, and special reports from the economic times. The type of aiannh area can be identified either by its census code aiannhce, its maf tiger feature class code mtfcc, or by its fips class code classfp.

The geodatabases contain national coverage for geographic boundaries or features or state coverage boundaries within state. The tiger population in nepals parsa national park is recovering rapidly. Tiger census shows indias population has increased by 30% video report. This tiger census report was released by union environment minister prakash javadekar. The geodatabases include feature class layers of information for the fifty states. The last census, in 2014, had estimated indias tiger population at 2,226, up from 1,706 in 2010. Karnataka becomes the state with the most number of tigers in india. Indias tiger population increases by almost a third. Tiger geodatabases are spatial extracts from the census bureaus maf tiger database for use with esris arcgis. Tiger population rises to 2226 in 2014, up from 1706 in 2010. The tiger population in nepals parsa national park is. The allindia tiger census 2018 will use more technology, including a mobile app.

Tigerline ascii format 2006 and earlier census 2000 available in both formats the core tigerline files and shapefiles do not include demographic data, but they do contain geographic entity codes geoids that can be linked to the census bureaus demographic data, available on data. Wild tiger population rising for first time in 100 years. A total of 2226 tigers were estimated as per 2014 tiger counting report. Census bureaus master address filetopologically integrated geographic encoding and referencing maf tiger database. The new tiger census, released by union environment minister prakash. The poor and continuing decline in tiger status in the states of chhattisgarh and odisha is a matter of concern.